Marc Clebanoff's Top 10 List
Top 10 Ways to Succeed in the Independent
Filmmaking Industry
Marc Clebanoff is the Founding Partner of Odyssey Motion Pictures, a production company and global sales agency. He is an award winning filmmaker and producer of such films as crime drama Stakeout starring Tom Berenger, and the newly released social issues drama Girl Lost: A Hollywood Story. He’s also the director of the thriller The Mourning starring Louis Mandylor and Dominique Swain, action thriller 20 Ft. Below starring Danny Trejo and family comedy Gerald starring Louis Mandylor and Mickey Rooney.

Top 10 Ways To Succeed in the Film Making Business
1. Produce your own Content - Don't wait for others to o er you opportunities. Create your own!
2. Learn the business end of your art - You know what you want to do but learn what you have to do. Educate yourself about how the  nance and distribution side of the business works so you are savvier than most of your competition.
3. Set tangible Goals - Set goals for yourself and your career that are realistic and within your reach. Once you reach those goals, set new ones accordingly. If you start at A and expect to get to Z quickly, you're not managing your own expectations properly.
4. Surround yourself with people who escalate you - Hollywood has a lot of yes people. As much as you can you want to surround yourself with creative people who are more seasoned than yourself so you can learn from them, up your game, and be associated with legitimacy.
5. Be Selective - Don't say yes to jobs that you don't believe in or won't escalate your career. In the beginning we all make choices to make money and build our resume, but as you build a track record, be selective about what you say yes to.
6. Be Self Aware - Especially in the age of social media, be aware of the persona and attitude you put out to the world. Don't be that person that makes other people roll their eyes or not take seriously.
7. Invest in Yourself - Talent is simply not enough. Even if you have raw talent, you still need to arm yourself with the knowledge to navigate the business e effectively. Invest in education, be it school, one-off courses, or attending events that will escalate you as an entity and a talent.
8. Listen more than you speak - People who talk more than they listen usually have a lot to prove or are not what they claim. The more you listen and sharpen your perception skills, the better you will become at sizing people up and deciphering who is worthwhile to engage with and who is not. This also is back into being self aware.
9. Be a Networking Machine - It doesn't matter if you're working or not; You need to
always be networking. Hollywood is a numbers game. The more people you meet and network with, the more opportunities will present themselves.
10. Show up on time and do what you say - Believe it or not, 99% of people in Hollywood cannot do one or both of these things. If you make a habit of doing both, you are way ahead of most of the competition!